Periodic Inspections

In your lease with Cox Realty we reserve the right to enter the premises at all reasonable hours, with proper notice (24 hours) for the purpose of inspections, responding to your request, making repairs and/or preventative maintenance, pest control, showing to prospective residents, buyers, loan officers or insurance agents, and for any emergency situations that may arise. You will be notified in writing by text
message and/or email with at least 24 hours notice of an inspection.

We also conduct semi annual inspections of the home. You understand and agree to allow a representative of Cox Realty to enter the home at least TWO times per year for the purpose of a property inspection. Additional inspections may take place.

The purpose of the semi annual inspections is to check for the following, but not limited to: lease violations, general cleanliness, air filter, smoke detectors function, yard maintenance, counting the number of beds as to the number of persons on the lease.

You understand and agree that there is a $50 charge to re-inspect the property if you fail the inspection.

Upon request you will be provided with a checklist of the items that will be inspection prior to the inspection. There is no charge to you when you pass the inspection.